この度、artcenter NAZUKARI WAREHOUSEではフランス人アーティストAnne Leignielの展覧会を開催致します。
本展では、昨年11月に日本での滞在制作中に制作した作品に、新たな表現と解釈を加えて展示致します。artcenter NAZUKARI WAREHOUSEの無骨な空間に、彼女が軽やかで儚げな素材、モビール、ドローイングなどを配することで、”呼吸”や”静寂”を感じさせる内面的な次元が生み出されます。また鑑賞者が空間を移動することで視点が変わり、作品との動的なインタラクションを生みだし、見るたびに異なる体験が生まれます。
※artstudio NAZUKARI WAREHOUSEは、2025年4月よりartcenter NAZUKARI WAREHOUSEに名称変更致します。今後ともお引き立てを賜りますよう、心よりお願い申し上げます。
We are pleased to announce an exhibition of French artist Anne Leigniel.
Anne Leigniel is an artist born in Auxerre, Burgundy, France. After studying at the National Art School of Paris Cergy, she completed a Master's degree in photography at the London College of Printing.
In the early stages of her career, photography was her primary medium. However, over time, she felt the need for a more physical experience both for herself and for viewers. This led her to develop photographic installations, and she continued to expand her practice to include a diverse range of media.
Her work is deeply influenced by her personal life and travel experiences. She incorporates elements from her surroundings and uses local techniques and materials to create art that resonates with the environment and its context.
For this exhibition, Anne will present new works created during her residency in Japan last November, adding fresh interpretations and expressions. By arranging delicate and ephemeral materials, mobiles, and drawings in the raw space of artcenter NAZUKARI WAREHOUSE, Anne creates an inner dimension that evokes a sense of "breathing" and "silence." As viewers move through the space, shifting perspectives create dynamic interactions, resulting in a unique experience with the work each time it is viewed.
Location: artcenter NAZUKARI WAREHOUSE
Dates: April 5 (Saturday) - April 27 (Sunday), 2025
Open: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Open on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays